I got tagged...and trade?
I got tagged some time ago, but I didn't know what it really was about, but now I know...So here I go.
20 years ago...
This is really funny...you girls make me feel really young. Well I was seven and still att school, looking at my mom sew, since she was a seamstress. I had my own little sewingmachine, you know the toy ones that do not have a bobbin and you have to turn the wheel to get it to sew. It was red and I loved it! I even have a skirt left of those days that is absolutly sweet to look at. It even has a lace hem. We were still living in Holland.
10 years ago
I was getting out of highschool. And had big plans. We had been living in Sweden for 4 years by then and I was moving back to Holland on my own. I was leaving my mom, dad and little brother in Sweden.
5 years ago
I was having the year of my life. I had been stuck in a very bad abusive relationship and I left and got out. That year I was feeling so proud of myself, free to do whatever I wanted and I did. The summer seemed endless and full of parties, new friends and loads of fun.
1 year ago (and 2 weeks)
I got married to my Swedish husband Håkan. I met him 4 years ago, one year after the other breakupp on a vaction to Sweden with my friend Karin. The funny thing was that I was never planning to move back to Sweden, and since my brother had turned 19 and moved back to Holland, so did my parents that year, just a few months before I met my husband. So we kinda crossed eachother. They were now living in Holland and I was back in Sweden.

1 month ago
I was thinking hard about this one.. I think it is safe to say I was quilting something...*lol*
I been working a bit on some blocks for a raffle quilt for our quiltguild. It rained all day. The forecast said it would be sunny, so I waited for that all day and at the end of the day it came. So I moved out into the sun in my new hammock that I got a few days ago, and finnally got to try out. It is called a hammock, but it is a bench were you can sit, that swings, like a rocking chair, perfect for sewing. There I put some rows of diamonds together.
It is a holliday in Sweden today. So I am going to quilt my guildblocks now at 06.12 (couldn't sleep). Then I am going move into the garden again and work on the diamonds. Later this evening I am going to Weronica and we are going to have some celebration dinner...
So now it is time for me to tage someone. I tag cathi
Wanna trade?
I made a misstake in my Dear Jane. I made D10 and D11 in the same colour. Not the same fabric, but same colour red.

So I am putting D11 upp for adoption or trade. I am making my blocks in rose/flower fabrics. Is there anybody who would want to trade me my D11 for another D11 in any colours than red, sent me an email...